Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
Find and Replace, Event Duration, Bug Fixes
Search and Replace
To find strings in your manuscript text and replace them, use the Search and Replace option. Click on the icon in the right end of the formatting toolbar, and a the side panel will activate.

You can also use the Ctrl+H or Cmd+H shortcut while you are in the Editor, to open the Search and Replace Panel.
Event Duration
The option to specify event duration has been added under the Events Details tab.

Navigate to Event from Event Relationships
Users can now jump to the event being references under Event Relationships by clicking on the ___ icon.
Special Character display in PDF exports
FIX: Special characters now show correctly in pdfs exported from Characters, Events, Objects, Locations, Timeline and the Details Tab.
Reasoning about Event Relationships
FIX: Improvements have been made to the Reasoning Engine which evaluates relationships between events.
Spellcheck Preferences
FIX: Under Settings the option to enable/disable Spellcheck is now preserved across sessions.
Spellcheck, support for hyperlinks & various fixes
Spellcheck and Spelling Dictionary Enabled
Users can now enable spellchecking in a number of languages, and add custom dictionary entries, so spellcheck can disregard them. Configuring spellcheck is done in the Settings option, under the G menu.
Hyperlinks in Notes and Description Fields
If the user adds a URL starting with http://, https:// or www. to any notes, story element descriptions or part/chapter/scene/section descriptions, they will be displayed as clickable hyperlinks.
Timestamp on Manuscript Backups
FIX: The timestamps on the project backups reflect the timezone on the user's computer.
Board View and Backup Management
Board View for Planning
The parts, chapters, scenes and sections of a manuscript can now be visualized from a "bird's eye view". Click on BOARD and then choose either the grid or the column layout to see the organization of the discourse elements in your project.

In-place edits of the chapter/section/scene title and description from the board view are enabled.
Backup Cleanup
Granthika performs frequent safety backups of your projects which tend to consume a lot of disk space. This release introduces smarter management of those automatic backups where fewer old snapshots of your projects are being kept.
Various bugs and small improvements
Numbered list formatting
Timeline navigation
Knowledge Explorer dates
Font Settings, Event Reasoning, Manuscript Element Export, Scrivener Import Improvements, Support for BCE Dates
Ability to Change Fonts
Users can now change the font for their project by selecting from a list (Serif, Sans Serif and some "playful" font types) in the Editor's Hamburger menu. Also available are fonts that support Indian scripts. Note: the fonts are applied to the text in the editor, to all story elements and to the titles of the manuscript parts: chapters, scenes and sections.

Improvements to Event Dependency Behavior
Setting chronological dependencies between events has been enhanced. Now a user can create event "chains" with events set to begin before/after another event. When changes are made - the dates of the dependent events are reset automatically.
Exporting Story Element Profiles, Search Results and TOC
Character, Object, Location and Event details can now be exported to PDF. The timeline can similarly be exported (in vertical layout). PDF export functions are also available for the Table of Contents panel, to allow the export of the discourse structure, and to the Search Results.
This enables authors to print or share story outlines, key facts about their story elements and their story outline, by making them available outside the Granthika app.
Streamlined Scrivener Import Process
Scrivener users can now see more elements from their Scrivener projects reflected in Granthika after import: chapter synopses, Characters, Locations. The Scrivener folder structure is also translated more accurately to the Granthika Chapter-Section-Scene model.
Support for BCE dates in Event Manager and Timeline
Authors can now create events that are BCE, or that have 5 digit year "futuristic" dates.
Undo/Redo Operations
Users are able to undo/redo operations in the TOC panel using the standard Ctrl+z and Ctrl+y keystrokes. For example if a chapter is deleted it can be restored via the Ctrl+z combination. These operations can also be used in the Editor, as before.
Added default image to Knowledge Explorer and QuickView
When previewing a story element in the Knowledge Explorer or in the QuickView pop-up in the editor, the default image (if one is available) displays.

Misc. Bugs and User Interface Behaviors
Navigating from search results: users can click from the results under the search bar, and the item of interest will be highlighted in the editor, with the cursor active in front of it (so they can start typing or making modifications to it without an extra click).
The Table of Contents does not auto-scroll upon creation of a new discourse element: when the user is creating a new part/chapter/scene or section at the very bottom of the TOC, the new element is now made visible without the need to scroll down.
Double-clicking on Alias in Entity Managers: now when you double-click on any alias in a Character/Event/Object or Location profile the cursor is positioned at the end.
Images, Analyzer Improvements, Scrivener Export and Bug Fixes
Adding Images to Story Elements
Support for image galleries has been added for characters, locations and objects. Users can upload images now, give them descriptions and labels and view them within the respective story element tabs.

Improving Navigation in Table of Contents
When the TOC panel is active (as indicated by the red line) the arrow keys can be used to navigate Up and Down the elements in the table of contents. The LEFT and RIGHT arrows are used to respectively close collapse and expand a discourse element if it has sub-elements, e.g. if a chapter has scenes. The ENTER key can be used to edit the title of the discourse element.

Chronological Sort of Events in Event Manager
In the event manager, users now have the option to sort events temporally based on the date of their occurrence. If the event has no associated date it is marked with a red dot and listed below the events with an absolute date.

Displaying Events of Type "Between" on Timeline
If the user creates an event that happens sometime between two dates, the event will now display on the timeline as a gray box indicating the span between those dates.

Analyzer Improvements
The Analyzer component, which detects the names of characters and locations, either creates new entities from them, or defines mentions (or connections) to existing entities, now also proposes defining mentions for the aliases the author has created as part of their character or location profiles. Also, whereas previously verbs and nouns which were also proper names (e.g. Will, Max, etc.) were detected by the Analyzer as candidates for new entities, now these are picked up only when capitalized, thus decreasing the possibility for erroneous detection and eliminating the need for the user to unselect them from the Analyzer's suggestions.
Shortcut Keystrokes
The following keystroke combinations have been enabled for navigating to and from the editor and the different tabs in the application (for Windows):
Alt + 1: moves to the Editor tab from anywhere in the app.
Alt + 2 : moves to the Characters tab from anywhere in the app.
Alt + 3 : moves to the Locations tab from anywhere in the app.
Alt + 4 : moves to the Objects tab from anywhere in the app.
Alt + 5 : moves to the Events tab from anywhere in the app.
Alt + 6 : moves to the Timeline from anywhere in the app.
For Mac the combinations are
+ 1, Option
+ 2, etc.Notes Field Fixes
In the Details panel, the notes fields can now properly scroll.
In the story element managers (Character/Location/Object/Event) initiating a new note through typing automatically triggers the SAVE warning message.
Scrivener Export Bug
Previously exporting to Scrivener failed to generate output files. Now going to Export -> Scrivener Project saves a .scriv folder with the necessary files and directories.
Miscellaneous Editor Bugs
A problem with inconsistent positioning of the cursor when centering paragraphs has been remedied. The Formatting toolbar appearance has been modified to make it stand out and to better indicate the active formatting mode.
Gender Bias Metrics, Event and Timeline Fixes, Formatting Operations etc.
As a result of interest in identifying social and stylistic biases in manuscripts we have introduced several new experimental metrics related to character gender in the present release.
Gender Bias Metrics
Writers will be able to track gender pronoun usage, see the ratio of male to female characters in their novel, and also perform conformity analysis which identifies actions and descriptions associated with characters and compares those to larger trends. These metrics are calculated either for the entire manuscript or for individual discourse elements and can be seen from the TOC and Details panels, under Metrics.
Entity/Mention Identification in Selected Text
Named entity recognition was previously available at the level of a discourse element, but with this update users will be able to run the Analyzer on any selection of text (e.g. several paragraphs within a chapter).
Event and Timeline Issues
BUG FIX: Due to event logic and relationship consistency analysis processes the event manager would either slow down or become unresponsive. The associated background processes have been streamlined to avoid user interface problems in both the event manager and the timeline.
Misc. Formatting Fixes
BUG FIX: Italics and bold keystroke operations and related formatting toolbar use were exhibiting intermittent problems, and these have been fixed. Also position of the formatting toolbar has been adjusted to avoid overlap with chapter/scene/section end markers.
Discourse Element Title Behaviors
BUG FIX: Extra long chapter/scene/section titles now do not overlap with the other panels. Paragraph text and titles cannot be accidentally merged in the Editor.
Discourse Element Splits, @ Shortcut Usability, and Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
In this release we have focused on bug fixes and flow optimizations. Our goal is to make some of the more repetitive tasks associated with importing from Word, or creating mentions smoother and quicker.
Discourse Element Splits
When users import from Word, they currently have to recreate their chapter/scene/section structure (i.e. their discourse elements) in the TOC section manually. Now, with this new feature the process is alleviated. They can position the cursor where the end of chapter one should be and hit Ctrl+Enter. This will give them an option to turn the text above into a chapter/section or scene. Users can keep moving to the next "endpoint," and hitting Ctrl+Enter for the next chapter, and so on until the TOC panel is populated with all discourse elements. A video demonstrating this is available in the Granthika documentation.
@ Shortcut Behavior
You can type @ & the name of a character/location/event or object in order to create a mention in your manuscript. This will open a menu with all the entity names that match what you are typing (e.g. start typing @she... and a menu will open with Sherlock Holmes, Sherwood Forest etc listed). With the current release, the first candidate in the menu will be selected and you can press Enter to confirm the selection. This automation ensures a mouse-free mention-creating experience which doesn't ruin your flow!
Copy/Pasting from Word "respects" Paragraphs
BUG FIX: Now, when you paste from MS Word paragraphs are successfully recreated.
Analyzer Display
BUG FIX: The text in the Analyzer module shows the same paragraph separators that are in the manuscript.
Multiple Notes Created
BUG FIX: When a note was added, multiple copies of it appeared in the story element managers. This is no longer occurring.
QuickView Appearing at Bottom of Page
BUG FIX: Clicking on QuickView for a mention either from the floating toolbar, by right-clicking and then selecting Open-View Details, or by hitting Ctrl+Q resulted in the QuickView showing at the bottom of the page. Now it appears correctly above the mention.
Creating an Event from the Timeline
BUG FIX: The dialog box defaulted to today's date. With this release the previous date used is prepopulated as a sample.
Event Jumble on Timeline
BUG FIX: Under some conditions, the events on the timeline would stack on top of each other. This behavior has been eliminated.
Formatting Toolbar Hiding Search Result Highlights
BUG FIX: When users conduct searches and click within the search results, the editor will go to the term being searched. If this term is at the top of the page in the editor and the Formatting Toolbar is showing - the search result would show behind the toolbar. With the current fix, it will show underneath it.
Named Entity Recognition, Manuscript Metrics, Trial Extension, Scrivener Import/Export and more
The first release of 2020 contains enhancements to our Analyzer, the introduction of metrics (by popular demand!), an extension of the trial period for the software and miscellaneous bug fixes and a nifty expansion of the search capabilities.
Named Entity Recognition
When activating the Analyzer users will now get suggestions not only for Mentions but for new entities. The analyzer will suggest possible new characters and locations. In addition, the Analyzer will now make its suggestion based on a full match with the name, or alias, of an existing entity, and not a partial match.
Manuscript Metrics
Granthika now counts words, offers a repetitiveness score, an average sentence length, and provides a list of overused words. These metrics can be seen for each chapter/section/scene or part, or for the entire manuscript. The user can view them when they select the Metrics option in the hamburger menu for each part/chapter/section/scene in the TOC panel, or in the Details panel for whichever discourse element is selected.
Timeline Navigation
On the Timeline, users can now type a date or year and directly go to the events occurring on/within it without scrolling or zooming: this is a convenient Go To option for large timelines. They can also navigate from one event to the next by clicking on the "forward" and "back" arrows in the Go To box.
Trial Extension
The trial period has now been extended from 14 to 30 days. Please note that these are not consecutive.
Paragraph Justification
Standard text justification formatting has been added to the formatting toolbar which can be turned on from the hamburger menu of the Editor.
Scrivener Import and Export
Users can export their project in the Scrivener format, and they can import Scrivener files as well. These options are available from the G menu under Import or Export. Please note that individual Granthika text features may not be available when imported in Scrivener, and similarly - unique Scrivener options may not "translate" directly to the Granthika format.
RTF import
Files in the RTF format can now be imported using the Import option in the G menu.
Saving of labels
When adding labels for a character, event, location or object, the user can now press enter to keep adding more labels or to add other info for the entity. The user still needs to click on the SAVE button to save these changes.
Interval Events
Bug which prevented the display of events with From/To dates is now fixes, and interval events are properly displaying on the Timeline.
Extended Search Functionality
Users can now perform 1) a traditional text search - which includes strings, punctuation etc. or individual words and phrases: for example every occurrence of the word "doctor" be it a verb or a noun, and 2) a specialized semantic search, which retrieves "doctor" as a defined character (e.g. Doctor Watson) or a character alias, returns all the chapters he is mentioned in, the locations he has visited, or a list of the events he participates in, etc.
Multiple Export/Import and App Zooming Enhancements
We realize that writers will use Granthika together with other tools for writing and note-keeping, so we focused this release on a couple of integration options:
Chapter/Scene/Section Headings in Word Export
Now when you export from Granthika to Word, your chapter/scenes/section titles are formatted as headings and will show in the Word Document Map. From there you can click on them to navigate to their respective location in the Word File.
Import from Word under a Chapter, Scene or Section
Previously users could only import Word files as projects. Now you can import a file under any TOC heading. Choose a discourse element, click on its hamburger menu, and use the Import option.
Also, we offer a way to share story elements across Granthika projects:
Story Universe Import and Export
If you want to use your characters, events, locations and objects from one novel/story in another one, without recreating them manually, you can now export a Story Universe from one project and import it into another. For this purpose go to the G menu and select Export -> Story Universe in the original project. Then in the new project open the G menu -> Import and select the story universe from your computer. Keep in mind: for now the story elements are not shared dynamically, i.e. if you add or change a character in Project 1 it doesn't automatically update Project 2. We are working on this dynamic universe synching functionality and it will be available in the future!
Finally, the app can now be displayed at the size you like depending on your screen settings:
Zoom In/Zoom Out
Screen resolutions on PCs and Laptops are different. So now you can make your entire Granthika application window smaller or bigger to match your screen resolution better. You can use the Ctrl and - keystroke combination for zoom out and Ctrl and + for zooming in (for Mac users -> Command and - / Command and +).