








Named Entity Recognition, Manuscript Metrics, Trial Extension, Scrivener Import/Export and more

The first release of 2020 contains enhancements to our Analyzer, the introduction of metrics (by popular demand!), an extension of the trial period for the software and miscellaneous bug fixes and a nifty expansion of the search capabilities.
Named Entity Recognition
When activating the Analyzer users will now get suggestions not only for Mentions but for new entities. The analyzer will suggest possible new characters and locations. In addition, the Analyzer will now make its suggestion based on a full match with the name, or alias, of an existing entity, and not a partial match.
Manuscript Metrics
Granthika now counts words, offers a repetitiveness score, an average sentence length, and provides a list of overused words. These metrics can be seen for each chapter/section/scene or part, or for the entire manuscript. The user can view them when they select the Metrics option in the hamburger menu for each part/chapter/section/scene in the TOC panel, or in the Details panel for whichever discourse element is selected.
Timeline Navigation
On the Timeline, users can now type a date or year and directly go to the events occurring on/within it without scrolling or zooming: this is a convenient Go To option for large timelines. They can also navigate from one event to the next by clicking on the "forward" and "back" arrows in the Go To box.
Trial Extension
The trial period has now been extended from 14 to 30 days. Please note that these are not consecutive.
Paragraph Justification
Standard text justification formatting has been added to the formatting toolbar which can be turned on from the hamburger menu of the Editor.
Scrivener Import and Export
Users can export their project in the Scrivener format, and they can import Scrivener files as well. These options are available from the G menu under Import or Export. Please note that individual Granthika text features may not be available when imported in Scrivener, and similarly - unique Scrivener options may not "translate" directly to the Granthika format.
RTF import
Files in the RTF format can now be imported using the Import option in the G menu.
Saving of labels
When adding labels for a character, event, location or object, the user can now press enter to keep adding more labels or to add other info for the entity. The user still needs to click on the SAVE button to save these changes.
Interval Events
Bug which prevented the display of events with From/To dates is now fixes, and interval events are properly displaying on the Timeline.
Extended Search Functionality
Users can now perform 1) a traditional text search - which includes strings, punctuation etc. or individual words and phrases: for example every occurrence of the word "doctor" be it a verb or a noun, and 2) a specialized semantic search, which retrieves "doctor" as a defined character (e.g. Doctor Watson) or a character alias, returns all the chapters he is mentioned in, the locations he has visited, or a list of the events he participates in, etc.